Wednesday, November 18, 2009

User Profile Service Stops When Implementing Network Access Protection/Control

This is such a major and ridiculous bug on Microsoft's part:

Windows Server 2008 SP2
Network Protection Services is implemented

User Profile service stops periodically, preventing users from authenticating.  A message beginning with "Faulting application svchost.exe_IAS, version 6.0.6001.18000" is recorded in the event log.

A user enters a valid username, but the password is incorrect.  At this point the service crashes.

So far there is none.  You either have to roll back to a previous service pack or not use PEAP.  Look for a hotfix or expect this to be a fix in SP3.

Word 2003 Crashes When Inserting Bullets or Numbers

When weird things happen in Word, we're taught that re-creating your file will refresh and start anew. But if you find Word 2003 crashing whenever you press that bullets button, the trick won't work. These settings are kept in the registry out of the reaches of

This is the key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Word\List Gallery Presets

If you know how to navigate the registry, then just delete the "List Gallery Presets" key as indicated above. If you're not familiar with the registry, then do the following:

1.  Copy the following:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Word\List Gallery Presets]

2.  Open Notepad and paste the above lines. NOTE: There are three lines, including the blank line in between.

3.  Save the file as "Bullets.reg" -- meaning, make sure the file does nto end in ".txt" -- to your desktop.

4.  Find "Bullets.reg" on your desktop and double-click it. Click "Yes" to verify you want to add it to the registry and "OK" to confirm.

There! Restart Word and all should be well. If you still have trouble, try rebooting your system.